Posts Tagged With: RTF

We all have stories

I miss these shoes. Fell apart, poor things.

Once upon a time I had this crazy notion of seeing the world.

Here I am, a New Jersey native (nothing like what MTV depicts, I assure you) who’s never left the country, who’s never seen the Pacific Ocean, a late bloomer, a college student with a flicker of an idea.

And somehow, with an enormous amount of patience, persistence, and a little stubbornness, I did the one thing not enough people take advantage of: I applied for study abroad. And I got in.

And that’s where the real fun begins.

Hi, I’m Michelle. I’m a junior journalism/RTF dual major at Rowan University reigning from central Jersey (yes, it exists). And for the Spring 2011 semester I will be studying abroad at Kingston University, located in Kingston upon Thames – it’s basically London.

I got the idea for this blog from a fellow Rowan student studying abroad – her name’s Sandy. She works at the International Center, but she will be in France next semester, so we bonded over the massive amount of paperwork we have to in order to make our desires to leave the country possible. Once finding out about my journalism major she suggested writing about it (and getting it published, but I seriously doubt that will happen).

I have a personal blog already, but I have the feeling that people will become annoyed with me very quickly with my talk of London – even if I’ve just left. So I’m making a compromise: Create a new blog under my username – I did the same thing for my Online Journalism class last semester – and devote it entirely to my experiences next semester. That way, it gives people the option of seeing what’s going on in my life “across the pond” without spamming the rest of the world (this is also why I created a Flickr account). See, I’m considerate!

And yes, I don’t leave for London for another two months and change, but I was oddly inspired to get this up, not to mention that I’m currently procrastinating on taking my Film I quiz. Plus I have somewhere to vent when the paperwork pisses me off to no end. Thankfully that part is almost over.

So, this is the start of my story, hopefully a life-changer. What will yours be?

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